Acceptance with Sam MacLean is a peaceful sharing of personal spiritual growth over the summer months and bringing in positivity for now.
animal communication
All About Girl with Sheila Geraghty
Girl was (and is) an exceptional horse. She deserves her own podcast, and we realised it will be two podcasts to even start to do her justice! This first part is the background of her life, how she came to meet Sheila, and the way their lives intertwined in a deeply spiritual way. Sheila Geraghty is her loving, as well as lovely guardian who, like so many of our Soul Herd kindred spirits, is on a profound inner journey with horses.
The Horse Experience
The horse experience is unique for us all, and although we share so much, we seem quite divided in general. It is of constant fascination to me how we perceive horses. Both how we experience them and why we are drawn to follow such diverse paths. There are so many influences and belief systems, and … Read more
The Equine Perspective with Sandra Mendelson & Michele Morrow
Excerpt from The Equine Perspective with Sandra Mendelson & Michele Morrow
In our first Let’s Talk Herd group discussion, The Equine Perspective, we have a lively and lovely discussion about how horses and other animals perceive the world in comparison to us humans.
In the excerpt we are discussing how all horse guardians can listen and respond more to the horses in their lives.
Conversations with Horses with Michele Morrow
Excerpt from Conversations with Horses with Michele Morrow
In this podcast we explore the world of communicating with animals, and particularly horses. Michele has an intriguing way of engaging in conversations with horses. In the excerpt she shares a couple of her most memorable and simply beautiful messages.
Horses Speak the Ancient Language
Of course horses can talk, and our ancient language is unlimited.
Horses have always spoken the ancient language. We understand that for our human friends, communication has become complicated. Your languages are in all different styles which make sense to some and not others. The words themselves are islands on the sea of meaning, trying to take up their particular space. They are powerful, and they are often precise. Sometimes we even learn these words, and we feel the happy little bridge they form between us.
Our language is older than any words. Words are the leaves of one summer compared to our language, which is the tree of life. Our language came before our bodies, and before our objects, and before everything we have manifested here on this planet Earth. This language is also your language, and all of Nature, because it came first.
Lightwork with Sandra Mendelson
Excerpt from Lightwork with Sandra Mendelson
Sandra has been channeling messages from all animals for us humans for the last ten years. Their voices come through her words in an authentic and vibrant way. Being an interface for their voices has given Sandra a special perspective that she shares generously in our latest Let’s Talk Herd podcast.
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The Power of Acknowledgment with Holly Davis
Excerpt from the Power of Acknowledgment with Holly Davis
If there was one thing we could change or do more of right now with our horses, what could that be? Holly explains the profound power of offering our horses acknowledgment, and how to go about doing that. Holly Davis is an animal communicator with over twenty years of experience in listening to horses. Find out what they have to say, their unique perspective on their lives with us and much more as we dive deep into a truly fascinating subject.
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