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About Heart Math

Have you heard about HeartMath? Yes, that thing with the funny name…

HeartMath, a company founded in 1991 by Doc Childre. It is a system of science-based, coherence-building skills designed to use on-the-go to help people bring their mind, body and emotions into balance and connect with their heart’s intuitive guidance. HeartMath is now comprised of two divisions:

1) HeartMath, Inc – dedicated to education, training and advancing the use of their technology;

2) HeartMath Institute – dedicated to research on the coherence of the heart and its impact on individuals, society and now the globe.

Learning the HeartMath techniques is for anyone who is interested in learning how to activate the state of coherence to become more resilient to stressors and open-hearted. Heartmath believes that love is a transformational intelligence, not merely an emotion. And that by helping people activate their heart’s intelligence, we can all co-create a kinder, more compassionate world to live in. 

My Mission

Heart Math

My mission is to make a difference in the lives of horses (and pets) and their guardians by creating heart-centered connections that support the return to harmony. HeartMath is just one of the ways I fulfill my mission.

I would love for every horse and dog and cat (and cow, pig, mouse, parrot, etc.) guardian to learn the HeartMath techniques. It is my belief that by giving people the tools to live, work, rest and play from the wisdom of their hearts, we will all together create a more compassionate, kind and gentle world.

Here is my invitation to you as a member of the Soul-Herd: 

Join me in one of my small-group HeartMath courses in 2023 and receive a 20% discount on registration. The fee for the 4-weeks is regularly $95 US. 

I have a class starting in May, at the perfect time of day for anyone living in the US, Canada, UK, all over Europe. And I have another class set for October, scheduled for people in the US who need a course in the evening, after work.

During the 4-week class you will learn how to activate coherence to help you prevent and relieve stress and anxiety while balancing your mental and emotional energy. Activating coherence will help deepen your connection to the important people and animals in your life.

By participating in this course, you will gain:

  • Proven techniques that help you develop greater resilience to stress.
  • Methods to support a more meaningful connection with others (people, pets, horses, etc.).
  • Understanding the research behind the techniques.
  • A system of science-based, coherence-building skills designed to use on-the-go.
  • These skills help you bring your mind, body and emotions into balance and connect with your heart’s intuitive guidance.


If you are curious but want more information you can listen to a podcast interview I did the past summer on HeartMath:

Contact Sam

Red Dog Ranch

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